Wednesday, August 29, 2012

hi world!

di here.
i have just started this blog. i am excited to see if anybody wants to read my newest stories. i am a writer, as you can see from my title, and i have some short stories to put on my blog.  i hope everyone likes reading. it's too bad when you don't, because you are missing out on the greatest thing ever!
hi world!


  1. hi, honey! i am interested in seeing your stories and am so glad you want to share them with others.

    i am grateful that you have trusted me to work alongside you in this new exploration. and i'm really, really proud of you, too!

  2. hi di :)

    my sons are both writers, too! my 12yo likes to type stories on a typewriter sometimes as well as write on the computer.

    what are your books about?

    1. my books are mostly fiction, but i sometimes base stories on real-life things in my life. i also keep a diary. i also really like to play 'pretend,''greek gods,' and 'purge' with STAR team and other friends.
      p.s. STAR team is two of my best friends.

  3. Hi, Diana! I'm so glad to see you finding an outlet for your writing. Have fun! Love, Dad
